2 Years Ago Today…

2 Years Ago Today…

We were met with uncertainty and a certain newness that can evoke fear.

2 Years Ago Today…

We were masked and told to be brave during troubling times.

2 Years Ago Today…Armed with God, I wrote this:

“Trying to remain hopeful and know that positive things are coming. Change may cause us all grief but the biggest growths have come from the ability to accept the things we can’t change and the wisdom to know the difference. I would say then that the goal here is not just survive. But to thrive! Learn from what life has to offer. Take this time to become more one with yourself and at the same time learn through others in how they are allowing (or not allowing) controversy and sickness to ruin their lives. God is good. ALL the time! He will prevail indefinitely. The story has already been written. Rejoice! And count your blessings. Lean on one another but more so-put your trust in Him. God will protect and comfort you. God bless!”

2 Years Ago And Today…

I take a look at myself, and thank God, again, for new beginnings.

God is good. All the time.


To live an honest life,

To share your light with the world

You must be brave.

And sometimes,

You have to be braver than what you think you are.

This is how you get to be braver

Than what you are…

By being the bravest.

And sometimes, it all works out in the end.

And before you know it,

Something new is just beginning.

Something new is asking you

To be even braver

Than you ever were before.

I live to serve the Lord in everything that I do.

This includes, the light and love that I share with the world. The love that comes from me, comes from God and in that alone, I am free.

“Your faithful love is priceless, God! Humanity finds refuge in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 36:7

Just Like Honey.

Honey is gold.

It is slow moving and certain.

It is exact and penetrating or thick and solid.

It can be heavy or light—but always sweet.

The words of God are even sweeter, more awe inspiring, and forever filled with love.

And what a sweet way to start the day…

To find God in everything.

“A scar does not form on the dying.
A scar means I survived.”
Chris Cleave

Won with Pain.

This happened once.

Feeling broken became so familiar to me that at one point, it became my friend. And once that happened, my life began to change.

Instead of bent and broken I became jointed and liberated,
Instead of fearful and weak I became strong and fearless,
Instead of focusing on bad experiences and things out of my control, I became valued and renewed.

My experiences, once painful, were now the experiences I could use to help others. And that’s what it’s all about—Service. It’s truly all about perspectives I guess…and when you no longer fear the pain, it serves you, and that’s so powerful. That’s healing.
