
I did something bold yesterday.

I shared my blog.

You may think this sounds silly, but to me it felt like I was sharing a post of me naked on Facebook.

It was pretty gutsy for me. I did it though because I knew eventually, I would share what I write…it’s what my calling is and what I’m meant to ultimately do.

Do you know what your calling is? 

I used to stumble through life trying different jobs thinking “my calling” was some type of position or degree, but that didn’t work. None of them did.

With God’s direction I began to realize that all I needed was Him and the rest would fall into place. It’s taken decades for me to realize this, but it was all because I wasn’t listening. I was going from one thing to the next and not looking “up.”

Don’t look straight forward. Or behind you. Look up.

And relax.

Today, more than ever I need to be reminded to relax and take one day at a time.

The consistency always pays off and the work of simply looking “up,” is always the way to go. It’s worth the weight in gold.

I hope you have a good day. It is lightly snowing here but the birds are still out there chirping for Spring. They don’t worry because they know God is good—and He is all the time! They look up!

“Stand firm in the Lord.” Philippians 4:1


Author: partygatherings

Hi, my name is Jeanna. My life is a Party.

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